Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Susan Thixton The Caped Crusader for Safe Pet Food
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At Evolution Diet We Specialize in Vegan Pet Foods, Vegetarian Pet Foods, and 100% Complete Human Grade Pet Food Alternatives. We are proud to offer Pet Foods without Diseased Animal Ingredients

All Other Pet Foods without one of these qualifications, including All the Big Corporate Name Brands Contain Diseased Animal Tissue. Evolution Diet is Animal Grade and made for Pet Consumption.
Super Yummy! Have Your Cat, Dog and / or Ferret Try Our New Non-GMO, Non- MSG, Vegan "Veggie Cheese Burger Flavor" Pet Foods: Awesome Tasting, Very Healthy! Hypoallergenic, Non-GMO Oatmeal Main Ingredient Dry Foods! Available in 4 Dry Foods and 4 Moist Foods! The World's Finest, Most Environment Conscience, Animal Friendly Pet Foods Just Got Better!


I am obviously an animal lover. I currently have 6 cats that live with me. Every one of them came to me by way of rescuing. I want them to have the best possible life and I struggle with what to feed them. I’ve read that cats cannot be vegan and I’ve read that cats can. I supplement my cat’s diets with canned tuna and salmon. I struggle with this each and every time I do it. I would prefer my cats to be vegan but want the best for them.

Why Vets Don’t Recognize Vaccine Reactions
You take your perfectly healthy dog to the vet for “her shots.” Early the next morning, she has a seizure — her first seizure ever. You rush your dog back to the vet or an emergency clinic and ask if the seizure had something to do with the shot. Odds are, the vet will tell you, No, it’s not the shot! She might a genetic disorder or possibly even a brain tumor. The timing is just a coincidence.!/groups/235719749808317/doc/294363340610624/
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a cat that has just been declawed showing pain and a lot of distress
See the story behind this picture.
The American nation is in denial about declawing cats. But it is gradually coming out of it. There is so much to say about this subject that I decided to build an umbrella page, this one, to hold all the blog posts and whatever else is produced.

Late last month, Israel joined Brazil, Argentina and all of Europe in legally opposing the practice we commonly refer to as declawing. Since the country was a little late to the party, it decided to make up for lost time by imposing a heavy-handed punishment: If anyone is caught safeguarding their furniture over his cat's claws, that person gets jail time and a $20,000 fine.
Nice, right? I thought so.

In case it’s not yet apparent, I’m a big opponent of feline declawing for cosmetic purposes. The procedure, known as onychectomy, is more akin to a multiple amputation than the mere removal of nails. And it's always painful. (more)

Pedigree dogs plagued by disease

The problems faced by one cavalier King Charles spaniel
Pedigree dogs are suffering from genetic diseases following years of inbreeding, an investigation has found.

A BBC documentary says they are suffering acute problems because looks are emphasised over health when breeding dogs for shows.
The programme shows spaniels with brains too big for their skulls and boxers suffering from epilepsy.

The Kennel Club says it works tirelessly to improve the health of pedigree dogs.
Pedigree animals make up 75% of the seven million dogs in the UK and cost their owners over £10m in vets' fees each week.


Taking The Risk Out Of Puppy Shots

by Dogs Naturally on July 12, 2011
Pet owners are becoming increasingly aware of the long period of duration for vaccines and are vaccinating every three years, or not vaccinating their adult or senior dogs at all. Although it is becoming increasingly obvious that yearly boosters – or any boosters – are at best unnecessary and at worst harmful, the risks and benefits of puppy vaccination are much less clear. If you choose to vaccinate your puppy, you can limit (but not eliminate) the vaccine damage in your puppy by understanding a few things about vaccines and immunity.

Dog Bleeds to Death Microchip
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dog Bleeds to Death After "Routine" Microchip Implant

Owners, Medical Reports Point to Link Between RFID Chips and Cancers in Canines

Highly aggressive tumors developed around the microchip implants of two American dogs, killing one of the pets and leaving the other terminally ill. Their owners --- and pathology and autopsy reports --- have suggested a link between the chips and the formation of the fast-growing cancers.

UPDATE 9 Feb: Thank you to Katherine Albrecht for this alert - San Marcos TX - moving to mandate RFID microchips of dogs yet the town has no jail terms for animal cruelty

Dog Bleeds to Death After "Routine" Microchip Implant Procedure
Grieving owner calls for an end to mandatory microchipping
in Los Angeles.

A fluffy bundle of life, love, and enthusiasm named Charlie Brown was laid to rest last week, the victim of a microchip implant gone horribly wrong. The long-haired, purebred Chihuahua bled to death in the arms of his distraught owners, Lori and Ed Ginsberg of Agua Dulce, California, just hours after undergoing the controversial chipping procedure.

"I wasn't in favor of getting Charlie chipped, but it was the law," said Lori Ginsberg, citing a Los Angeles county ordinance that requires all dog owners to chip their dogs once they reach four months of age. Dog owners who refuse to comply face a $250 fine for the first offense and up to six months in jail for continued non-compliance. "This technology is supposedly so great until it's your animal that dies," she said. "I can't believe Charlie is gone. I'm just beside myself."

Dr. Reid Loken, the board certified veterinarian who performed the chipping, confirmed on Friday that Charlie died from blood loss associated with the microchip. He cited "an extreme amount of bleeding" from the "little hole in the skin where the [microchip implant] needle went in" as the cause of death. He said he was both saddened and puzzled by Charlie's death.

"I just don't know what happened to him. We put the chip in the back in the shoulder blades, the standard place where we put them, and there really aren't any major blood vessels in that area," he said. "I don't think it went in too deep; it was a pretty routine chipping."

Dr. Loken suspected the needle may have nicked the muscle around the scapula, causing blood to ooze from the muscle. However, his efforts to stem the bleeding with pressure bandages were unsuccessful. The bleeding could not be attributed to a congenital clotting problem, he said, since Charlie had undergone a neutering and tooth extraction without incident just weeks before.

Charlie's owners were devastated by the loss. "Charlie loved to play and cuddle. He brought so much joy and life to our home," said Lori. "We loved him and took such good care of him. He meant everything to us."

The Ginsbergs were quick to absolve Dr. Loken of responsibility for Charlie's death. "He's a great vet and this was not his fault. The real blame is with the people who forced us to implant our dog against our better judgment," they said.

The Ginsbergs plan to petition the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to repeal the mandatory chipping law, and have sought the help of prominent consumer privacy advocate Dr. Katherine Albrecht. Albrecht is a Harvard-trained researcher who has authored a definitive academic paper citing literature that links microchips with cancer in dogs as well as laboratory animals. She has also authored an exhaustive,
47-page FAQ on microchip implants.

Albrecht cites other adverse reactions stemming from microchips in the past. In one case, a struggling kitten died instantly when a microchip was accidentally injected into its brain stem. In another, a cat was paralyzed when an implant entered its spinal column. The implants have been widely reported to migrate within animals' bodies, and can cause abscesses and infection. In at least two documented cases, dogs have developed cancerous tumors surrounding or adjacent to microchip implants.

"Tragedies like what happened to Charlie Brown are probably more common than we like to think," said Albrecht. "But it takes courageous people like the Ginsbergs to come forward and talk about it."

Albrecht and the Ginsbergs are calling for a repeal of all mandatory animal chipping laws nationwide, and for the creation of a national registry to document adverse reactions from the chipping procedure.

"It's horrible to live in a country where your choices are being take away and you don't get to make decisions about your family and your life anymore," said Lori Ginsberg. "Politicians should not take away my right to do what I thought was best for my pet."

For The Media:
Lori and Ed Ginsberg have agreed to speak to the media to help raise awareness of the dangers of pet chipping. They can be contacted at:

Dr. Katherine Albrecht can be contacted at or (877)287-5854, ext 1.
Her microchip implant FAQ and cancer study can be found online at
Further information about Dr. Albrecht can be found at

All Natural Dog Remedies

Hello and welcome to All Natural Dog Remedies!
I’m Dr. Geraldine Simonis, DVM…everyone just calls me Dr. Jerry. I’m a strong advocate of using all natural treatments for dogs in cases where I believe a natural dog remedy is just as effective or better than conventional forms of treatment. As one of a growing number of holistic veterinarians who believe in providing holistic treatments for dogs, I hope that through this website I can help spread the word that homeopathic and herbal treatments for dogs are not only safer than using steroids and other forms of conventional treatments, but more effective as well.

Archive for 'Ask A Vet'
Ask A Vet: Dealing with Demodex (mange)

Ask A Vet: Dealing with Demodex (mange)

Q: My Boxer Mix, Dexter, was scratching and losing hair in certain areas. Scratching was mostly on the upper side of his front legs and back hip area. The hair loss appears around the mouth and [...]

January 25, 2012(PET HEALTH) You’ve vaccinated your dog against Parvovirus, but do you know what it is? Ciara Black is a Global Animal contributor from the Dog Help Network, a resource for dog health related websites. Read on for her important information on canine Parvo, and how you can protect your pet. — Global Animal

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
What is Feline Immunodeficiency Virus?


The multi-billion dollar pet food industry is killing our pets. With millions of dollars to spend on promotion and hype, pet owners have become victims of their marketing ploys. The expression "It's a dog eat dog world" is an apt description of the pet food industry.

Millions of euthanized pets from humane shelters and veterinary hospitals all across the United States and Eastern Canada are being recycled back into pet foods.

How does this come about? It is done through a process called rendering, Prior to World War II...


Top 10 Pet Toxins of 2011

Prescription Human Medications
Both known and unknown toxins can be found hiding in our houses and yards. In 2011, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, IL, fielded more than 165,900 phone calls about pets exposed to poisonous substances.

1. Prescription Human Medications

Almost 25,000 calls last year were about human prescription medications. Pets, especially dogs, are notorious for ingesting any dropped pill. Cardiac and ADHD medications make up a large percentage of these calls. Always make sure to take these medications in a safe place away from your pets. (more)

Whole Dog Journal

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