Wednesday, March 21, 2012



The truth behind some of them
I thought gassing was no longer allowed in the US, But apparently it is. I was heart sick when I tried to adopt a baby from another state and before I could get her - she was gassed. Destroyed!!!!

Gassed - to some that doesn't sound too bad - Wrong!
Here are the cold hard facts:
Gassing is "like a dark, dirty secret that no one wants exposed
The lid, with a viewing window, was closed and the carbon monoxide in a tank next to the chamber was turned on. "There was a lot of barking, growling, crying, beating on the door trying to get out" as they were poisoned.
A gas chamber can be one that is an enclosure in a shelter or pound, and animals are placed inside and the gas turned on. These animals do not die quickly or painlessly. They struggle for breath. They claw to get out. This is not a pretty site .

The North Carolina Coalition for Humane Euthanasia is dedicated to ending the cruel killing of animals in our state's shelters. We believe that taxpayers should not pay the bill for animal suffering. More than 20 NC county shelters are still using gas chambers and other inhumane methods to destroy unwanted animals. Innocent pets suffer in their last moments, gasping for breath and wailing until they finally succomb to poisonous carbon monoxide. You pay the bill, and you have the right to ask for change.


Craven turns off animal gas chamber March 19, 2012 5:01 PM          

Craven Pamlico Animal Services Center (N.C.) no longer euthanizes animals in its carbon monoxide gas chamber.


Animal Gas Chambers Draw Fire

Some shelters still regularly euthanize their animals by placing them in gas chambers -- a method that’s increasingly coming under attack in several states.

It’s estimated that 6 million to 8 million dogs and cats are cared for in U.S. animal shelters each year -- roughly half of which are eventually euthanized. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) prefers euthanasia by injection (EBI) over all other methods of ending animal lives. But some shelters still regularly euthanize their animals by placing them in gas chambers -- a method that the AVMA lists as an “acceptable” means of euthanasia. This method, however, is coming under attack in several states.

A primary reason EBI is preferred by the AVMA, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and other animal rights organizations is because it’s considered safer than gas chambers for both animals and shelter workers. When improperly handled or poorly maintained, the substances used in gas chambers can cause serious illness -- or even death. There have been numerous cases of such incidents, including that of a shelter worker in Tennessee who died in 2000 while operating a faulty gas chamber.

NC Gas Chamber Regulations Mask Cruelty and Danger (1st of 3 parts from The Animal Law Coalition)

Craven County billboardThis billboard stands as a reminder to Craven County, North Carolina residents that pet animals, dogs and cats, are dying every day in gas chambers in their local shelter.

A grass roots effort, the North Carolina Coalition for Humane Euthanasia (NCCHE), has been working to stop the use of carbon monoxide gas chambers as well as other cruel and inhumane methods of killing shelter animals in the state.

Davie's Law, a bill introduced in 2009, would have done just that. The bill would have mandated use of lethal intravenous or intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital or similar substance. The bill was named for Davie, a dog that survived gassing by carbon monoxide in a North Carolina shelter.

Animal Gas Chambers Draw Fire in U.S.

April 11, 2005
When animal-shelter employee Rosemary Ficken opened the door to the St. Louis pound's gas chamber one August day in 2003, she couldn't believe her eyes: A reddish brown mutt, standing on top of six dead dogs, was still alive.
USDA: Get Rid of the Gas Chamber!

Gas chamber euthanasia is a barbaric practice that's still legal in most states. Take action now!
3/29/11: 35,939 signatures sent to Secretary Tom Vilsack. Please continue to sign for this important cause if you haven't already! 11/14/11: 28,042 signatures sent to Secretary Tom Vilsack. Please continue to sign for this important cause if you haven't already!
USDA: Get Rid of the Gas Chamber!
Goal: 75,000 • Progress: 65,711
Sponsored by: The Animal Rescue Site

Many animal shelters in America are still using the archaic and cruel gas chamber euthanization method. This practice involves putting

AVMA insigniaThough the fine print of the American Veterinary Medical Association's current and past Euthanasia Reports contain strong evidence of the cruelty and danger of carbon monoxide gas chambers used to kill shelter animals, the AVMA has continued to insist such use of the medieval devices is "acceptable".
Until now.

In its proposed 2011 Euthanasia report, AVMA announces carbon monoxide gas is not recommended for...


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