Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hi I’m now a 6 year old American Bull dog Labrador cross and Belfast City Council want to put me to death because of how I look, I have never done any wrong. Please can you help me? I want to go home!

On the 19th May 2010, Lennox, a five year old American Bull dog Labrador cross was wrongfully seized by Belfast City Council Dog Wardens from his loving family home where he lives with his owners and his kennel mates. Lennox committed no crime nor did any member of the public complain about him. Three Belfast City Council Dog Wardens came with

Nitro Foundation
Our mission is to help make
animal cruelty a felony in Ohio!

Ohio is one of the only 50 states left to not have
a first offense felony provision for animal cruelty,
leaving only misdemeanor provisions regardless
of the severity of the crimes.

The list of infractions against innocent companion
animals ranks the state of Ohio as one of the worst.

NITRO'S LAW is the legacy and testament in honor of a family's Rottweiler, Nitro, who was 1 of 8 dogs starved to death in a horrific crime at a K9 training facility in Youngstown, Ohio. Nitro's Law was created as a felony provision and proactive legislative measure to increase the outdated misdemeanor-only penalties currently in place for violent animal crimes in the state of Ohio.

In February ...2009 HB 70 'Nitro's Law' was introduced and passed the Ohio House of Representatives and was assigned to the Ohio Senate's Criminal Justice Commitee for consideration and for nearly 1 year this landmark Bill was grossly ignored by the Ohio Senate and on December 31, 2010, Nitro's Law legislative window of opportunity ran out. House Bill 108 has been reintroduced as of 02/22/11 by the original Ohio Representatives Gerberry & Hagan and round 2 has now begun.
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House passes Nitro's Law bill, increasing penalties against kennel owners that abuse pets Marc Kovac Capital BureauPublished:

COLUMBUS -- The Ohio House has signed off on legislation allowing increased criminal penalties against kennel owners who abuse pets in their care.
The final vote on House Bill 108, titled Nitro's Law in memory of a dog that starved to death while in the care of Youngstown-area business, was 78-9, and the legislation heads to the Ohio Senate for further consideration.

It's the second time in recent years that the bill has made it out of the House. There's no guarantee that the Ohio Senate will act on it.
"It's been a long way for Nitro," said Rep. Ronald Gerberry, a Democrat from Austintown. He added, "I know that people across this country and in particular the owners of Nitro who live in Manhattan, would be very pleased if we passed this."
Nitro was a Rottweiler that was among more than a dozen dogs that were found dead or dying from extreme neglect in 2008 at the High Caliber K-9 kennel on Coitsville-Hubbard Road.
The owner of the business faced only four misdemeanor convictions as a result of the incident and subsequently filed for bankruptcy, avoiding additional civil penalties.

"If you are a kennel owner or you work for a licensed kennel in the state of Ohio and you ... knowingly torture, kill, starve, maim, beat, poison [a companion animal], then the prosecutor of the city or the prosecutor of the county will have the opportunity to then prosecute at a fifth-degree felony," Gerberry said.

Marc Kovac is the Dix Capital Bureau Chief. Email him at mkovac@dixcom.com or on Twitter at OhioCapitalBlog

Nathan Winograd's photo

New york state legislators seek "Oreo's Law"

‘Oreo’s Law’ Would Give Dogs a Second Chance at Life
MANHATTAN -- A bill to allow animal welfare organizations the right to request animals be given to their care when a shelter is planning to euthanize them will be introduced in the State Legislature this week by Assembly Member Micah Z. Kellner and State Senator Thomas K. Duane.

The bill is named Oreo’s Law in memory of a pit bull mix who became well-known after she survived abuse at the hands of her former owner, including a fall from a six-story building, but was eventually euthanized after the ASPCA determined she was untreatably aggressive. Pets Alive Animal Sanctuary, a no-kill animal shelter located in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains, specializing in the rehabilitation and care of abused animals, offered to take Oreo, but the ASPCA refused the request.

“As a dog owner and a foster parent for an animal rescue group, I was heartbroken to learn that Oreo was euthanized. When a humane organization volunteers their expertise in difficult cases, a shelter should work with them to the fullest extent possible.” said Assembly Member Micah Z. Kellner. “I am hopeful that Oreo’s Law will ensure that no animal is ever put to death if there is a responsible alternative.”

"The humane treatment of animals in the care of shelters is an issue about which I feel very strongly," said Senator Thomas K. Duane, who will introduce Oreo's Law legislation in the New York State Senate. "No animal should be put down by a shelter if a reputable humane or rescue organization is willing to assume responsibility for its well being.

Oreo's Law would make sure that in instances where animals aren't rabid or physically suffering, such organizations have the authority to take possession with the payment of the normal adoption fee, and that Oreo’s sad plight will not be repeated."
“We are deeply moved that Assembly Member Kellner and Senator Duane have taken up Oreo’s cause. We all need to be the voice for these innocent animals,” said Kerry Clair and Matt DeAngelis, Executive Co-Directors of Pets Alive Animal Sanctuary. “We have asked our local legislators to support the bill and we hope that Oreo’s tragic and unnecessary death will offer life to thousands of others.”

Oreo’s Law is modeled after a provision in California state law, adopted there in 1998 as part of a general animal welfare reform package known as the Hayden Law (named after the Senator who authored it).

"Oreo's Law" would prevent shelters like the ASPCA from killing dogs that legitimate rescue groups are willing to save. It is named after the dog Oreo who was killed by the ASPCA despite a No Kill shelter/sanctuary's offer to provide her lifetime
(cont. reading)  http://www.examiner.com/animal-shelters-in-san-francisco/new-york-state-legislators-seek-oreo-s-law

Animal Rights Activists Split Over Bill to Save 'Oreos'

by Jillian Jonas
Feb 2010

The sad story of Oreo the dog made headlines last year. Now her unfortunate death may spur a change in state law that could, supporters believe, ultimately lead to saving more animals from being put to sleep.

Oreo, a one-year-old pit bull mix, was thrown off the sixth floor roof of a Brooklyn public housing project. After surviving the fall, she was rescued by the ASPCA, which operated on her broken ribs and legs, nursing her back to "health" over the next several months. However, ASPCA professionals ultimately deemed Oreo to be too aggressive, the result of so much trauma, and decided she had to be euthanized.
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Oscar’s law is a very simple campaign: it enables everyone to make a stand and tell the Government that "We do not want companion animals factory farmed anymore” and "We no longer want the pet industry to mislead us about what is acceptable for our animals”.

You can help fight the genocide in Australia's pounds, promote rescue organisations and shelters as the first option to adopting, and change the way Australians gets their pets. Adoption is the intelligent alternative to impulse buying. No puppy factory whether it is 'clean', 'model', 'state of the art' or otherwise is the answer for mans best friend.   http://oscarslaw.org/index.php

Patrick's Law is an animal advocacy movement founded in March 2011. It aims to raise awareness for an end to animal abuse; pursue stronger animal welfare legislation at the State and Federal levels; create a National Animal Abuser Registry; and expose animal abuse worldwide.

The handsome boy to the right is Patrick. A human starved him to near death, put his emaciated body in a plastic garbage bag, then threw him down the garbage chute in a Newark (NJ) apartment building. On March 16, 2011, against all odds, a maintenance man saw the bag moving and discovered Patrick was alive... barely. If Patrick hadn’t moved, even a little, he would’ve ended up in a pile of garbage. No one would have known that he lived or died. And his abuser would never have been caught. Patrick couldn’t bark, cry or whimper, but he MOVED!

Did the man who found Patrick simply take him to the local shelter or a vet to be euthanised? No! He brought him to Associated Humane Societies (AHS) in Newark. Did that Vet look at Patrick and give up? No! They rushed him 40 miles South to the Garden State Veterinary Specialists in Tinton Falls, NJ. Did the next Vet and Staff look at Patrick and give up on him? No! They immediately began extraordinary measures to save this brave dog’s life. Morning came, and he made it through the night. It was St. Patrick’s Day, so they named him Patrick.

Since then, Patrick captured millions of hearts around the world, making him our “Poster Puppy” for stronger animal abuse legislation. No animal deserves to be abused, abandoned or neglected. It’s time to encourage and pressure your elected officials to support Patrick’s Law, so all animal abuse will be treated as a felony with lengthy prison terms and hefty fines imposed as punishment.

No one should rest until all animal abusers are in prison for their heinous and inexcusable crimes against all animal companions. Will you volunteer to help with this historic grassroots movement?

Patrick moved. Now it’s time you do the same!

Patrick, 'miracle' pit bull who survived fall down garbage chute, is on the road to recovery   (Apr. 6, 2011)
A 1-year-old pit bull nicknamed Patrick sits next to flowers sent by a supporter in Alaska as he recovers at Garden State Veterinary Specialists in Tinton Falls, N.J., after being found starved and dumped in a trash chute.


A New Jersey pit bull named Patrick, starved and subjected to horrific abuse before his rescue last month, is being called a "miracle dog" after he survived being placed in a trash bag and thrown down the garbage chute of a Newark apartment building.

A maintenance worker removing the garbage to put it in a trash compactor noticed a bag moving slightly, opened it and discovered the emaciated dog inside. Patrick -- so named when he survived through the night into St. Patrick's Day after being found in the garbage chute March 16 -- was rushed to the local Associated Humane Societies shelter, where "veterinary staff immediately put him on intravenous fluid," according to a post on the society's website.


Just one day before St. Patrick’s Day, a dog that should not technically be alive was discovered in the trash.

The dog, a red Pit bull, had been starved to the brink of death. Someone, perhaps assuming that he had finally died, put his body in a trash bag and threw him down a chute inside of a 22 story apartment complex.

This page is for the support and awareness of the dear dog Patrick, who survived the worst kind of torture and abuse and is now a miracle for others. This page is for the cause of Patrick and to spread awareness of animal cruelty in South Africa. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Patrick-Movement-South-Africa/192236307505619?sk=info


PRADA  (feb. 2012)

Nashville- As the fight for Prada’s life continues in Nashville, TN, a new hurdle has been thrown in the way of her supporters, i.e., hard cash.
Legal costs required for Prada’s case need a huge sum of $15000 in advance for filing an appeal against the court’s earlier decision to euthanize Prada. Supporters of the pit bull, who are hosting a facebook page to help gather support for her, believe that this demand of excessively high fee for appealing the court’s decision is a move on behalf of the authorities to kill Prada.
There is reason to believe that Prada’s execution has become a matter of saving names for the authorities and the court as well. 

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