Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Breed Specific Legislation
Breed specific legislation is exactly what sounds like...regulation of your right to own or, in many cases, not own a dog based solely on the breed or "type" of dog, not your responsibility as an owner.

Breed Specific Bans A group of laws that bans particular breeds, usually pit bulls (a type of dog, not a breed) and sometimes Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Akitas, Dobermans, Chow Chows, and a few others. These laws are usually passed after several attacks by a particular breed so that city councils can assure citizens they are “doing something” about a voter concern.

Breed Specific Legislation or "BSL" is exactly what it sounds like...regulation of your right to own or, in many cases, not own, a dog based solely on the breed or "type" of dog - not your responsibility as an owner. BSL can also refer to regulations and/or requirements placed only on a specific breed of dog and their owners.

No matter how you define it, BSL targets all dogs of a breed -- the innocent as well as the guilty, and it removes the responsibility from the dog's owner and towards the dog itself. Simple common sense tells you that laws are created to punish or deter the actions of humans - not those of animals.



StopBSL Recap 2011                                                                  Posted on by | 3 Comments

Happy New Year! Here are some of the stories and alerts StopBSL covered in 2011. It was a busy year. Many thanks to all of you who have participated in public dialogue, communicated with elected officials, spread the word about breed-specific proposals, and worked diligently to stop BSL! With your help and support, we’re looking forward to a successful 2012.

Rough count / overview:
BSL Repealed = 6
BSL Rejected = 34
BSL Proposals that Died Quietly = 17
Repeal Proposals that Did Not Pass = 8
New BSL Passed = 12
BSL Revised Slightly = 15

BSL Repealed

Bay County, MI
Overland, MO
Cleveland, OH (although breed-specific state law still applies)
Moses Lake, WA
Vienna, WV
Canada, BC, Cumberland


Dog bite statistics                                                                        

View studies from medical researchers, public health agencies and a 3-year dog bite fatality report by
************************************************                               Running Afoul of Aurelia, Iowa's Ordinance Banning Pit BullsPosted by Stephanie Ulmer, Guest Blogger on (feb. 1, 2012)

Jim Sak, a former Chicago police officer for over 30 years, recently relocated to Aurelia, Iowa, to help care for his wife’s 87-year-old mother. Shortly after arriving, the Saks learned that they had an unwelcome family member, Snickers, who is Jim’s service dog. Because Aurelia had a “breed specific” ordinance singling out pit bulls, the Saks were told Snickers could no longer live with them.

The Saks were summoned to a city council meeting on December 14th, where the council then voted 3 to 2
not to make an exception for the Saks to allow them to keep Snickers. This occurred even though the Saks argued that Snickers “was the sweetest, most good-natured dog you’d ever want to meet.” And that Jim heavily relies upon Snickers after “suffering a debilitating stroke that left him with no feeling on the right side of his body.” The council subsequently ordered the Saks to remove Snickers by the following day. (read on)

"The Webs Freshest Pit-Stop" Breed history, personal stories, fun facts and powerful training advice.

Our Bully Breed Mission

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The Bully Breed Mission

and my friends at this Pit Bull friendly website and Bully Breed Blog, will do everything possible to;
  • Change the negative Pit Bull stigma
  • STOP Breed Specific Legislation
  • Support our local shelters
  • Offer free Pit Bull training advice
We will also be proactive and offer Bully Breed training advice to any dog owner regardless of breed. We also recognize that making changes in our beloved pets begins first with making changes within ourselves.
We will also promote healthy and safe dog ownership through our Pit Bull Groups as well as provide support and relief to our local shelters and the animals they house.
We pledge to honor the heritage of America’s Greatest Underdog, the Pit Bull Terrier, and stand together wholeheartedly in its defense.

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